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Nidec Graessner – Service for our clients.

Beratung zur GetriebelösungNidec Graessner – Advise

  • For questions about gears and their use  
  • Information and help concerning gears or finding replacement parts

Inspektion Ihrer GetriebeGear inspections

  • Inspections
  • Maintenance
  • On-site condition monitoring, adapted to the customer's runtime.

Reparatur und Service von GetriebenGear repairs

  • Damage assessments and diagnostics
  • Inhouse repairs
  • On-site customer repairs

Reparatur und Service von GetriebenNidec Graessner – Tools

  • Assembly and dismantling tools in the field for the field

Reparatur und Service von GetriebenTrainings

  • Fit for repairs
  • Dismantling and assembly
  • Damage recognition and assessment
  • Determination of settings data, contact pattern assessment and corrections

Reparatur und Service von GetriebenAccessories + Replacement parts

  • Sealing and bearing sets
  • Shafts
  • Lubricants, etc.


You have any questions?

We will be glad to help you.


Nidec Graessner GmbH & Co. KG
Kuchenaecker 11
72135 Dettenhausen
   +49 7157 123 0
  +49 7157 123 212

Agencies Germany

de  Contact persons

Nidec Graessner worldwide

Our network of experts overseas

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